
Please follow the link below containing the schedule, match results, standings, and updated contact information for the 2020 NVGA Spring A-Team. All pertinent data will be posted to one of the 5 tabs.

NVGA 2020 A-Team Schedule and Results

Please review carefully. I have accommodated all conflict dates that have been communicated to me. If there are any errors, I need to know ASAP as there are very few potential solutions.

We have 25 teams entered this year which resulted in five divisions of four and one of five teams.  This will result in all six division winners advancing to the playoffs, as well as two wild card teams. The wild card teams will be determined by the highest average point total per match. All tie breaker information is also contained in the rules document.

As we all know, weather can have an impact on this schedule. If weather becomes a factor, I will communicate any potential solutions, which will include any feedback from all of you prior to making any decisions. With that said, please keep me in the loop on any potential schedule changes that may be made. Any schedule change not involving weather must be made mutually between the participating clubs.

When reporting results, the winning captain or head pro should email me in the following format:

Winning Club/points

Losing Club/points

Please try to avoid texts

Assuming bracket play is completed on March 29th, the playoff schedule will be:

Quarterfinals Saturday April 4th

Semifinals Sunday April 5th

Finals Saturday April 11th

Thanks to all involved for helping A-Team officially kick off the 2020 season.

Mark Vandegrift